You are here: Accessing the MLS > Access the MLS from a mobile device

Access the MLS from a mobile device

The PDA interface lets you access the MLS using most handheld PDA devices that have an HTML-compliant browser * (see below for recommended specifications). All information on the PDA site is displayed in real-time, meaning it is always up-to-date.

The MLS will detect if a wireless device is being used to log on and will automatically redirect users to the PDA site.

*Specifications for wireless devices used to access the PDA site

Click a link below for more information:

Search for listings

  1. Select Search Quick Search or Hotsheet Hotsheet.
  2. Enter criteria in the desired fields.
  3. Click the Search button at the bottom of the screen to begin your search, or clickCount  to see how many listings match your criteria.

Save a PDA search

  1. Select Search Quick Search or Hotsheet Hotsheet.
  2. Enter the search criteria you want to save.
  3. Enter the name of your search in the Save Search field at the bottom of the page, then click the Save button.

Manage saved PDA searches

  1. From the PDA interface Home page, select Saved PDA Searches .
  2. A list of your Saved PDA Searches and Hotsheets displays.

View Contacts/Prospects

  1. Select Contacts/Prospects Contacts/Prospects. Your default group of contacts displays. NOTE: To view a different group of contacts simply use the drop-down field in the upper left corner of the screen.
  1. Clicka contact's name to view their information, or tap a linked listing count next to their name to view listings in their prospect cart.

Modify Contacts/Prospects

  1. Select Contacts/Prospects Contacts/Prospects. Your default group of contacts displays. NOTE: To view a different group of contacts simply use the drop-down field in the upper left corner of the screen.
  2. Select the desired contact.
  3. Click the revise icon in the upper left corner of the screen.
  4. Make changes to the contact's information as desired, then click the Update button.

Search Agents/Offices

  1. From the Home page, select Agent/Office Search Agents/Offices Search.
  2. Specify the type of search you want to run (agent or office) using the radio buttons at the top of the page.
  3. Enter criteria in the desired fields.
  4. Click the Search button.
  5. When your search result display, you can tap an agent or office name to view their information.

PDA Interface Icon Reference

Return to the Home page

Search for listings

Run a Hotsheet

View or revise Contacts and Prospects

Search for agents or offices

Manage saved PDA searches

Log Off

Return to the Homepage